Staff Reporter

Shillong, Sept 22: Opposition Congress Umsning MLA Celestine Lyngdoh today urged the State government to come up with a contingency fund for providing immediate relief to families affected by natural calamities.

Participating in the discussion during the question hour in the Assembly, Lyngdoh suggested that such funds be parked with the respective MLAs.

“If (government do not) trust the MLAs, let it be placed with the deputy commissioner’s office and the same be released based on the recommendations of the MLAs,” he said while adding the contingency if made available, will go a long way in helping the affected victims of calamities.

Replying to this, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said he is happy to inform the House that in the recently held MDA meeting, some of the MLAs had in fact given the same proposal.

He however said though the government may not be able to create a contingency fund, as it may have financial implications but the Special Rural Works Program (SRWP) and the Special Urban Works Program (SUWP) could be used to address the concern.

He said the SRDF rules can be amended to allow funds to be placed with SRWP and SUWP like it was done during the Covid pandemic. “We are contemplating and we are working on it,” he added.

Meanwhile, Opposition chief whip Saleng A Sangma wanted to know whether the government has any proposal to enhance the SRWP scheme.

To this, the CM said though the demand is genuine, the government however will have to look at the budget as five years back, it had already increased the SRWP by Rs 50 lakh. According to him, the SRWP in Meghalaya is very much on the higher side compared to other states.

Staff Reporter

Shillong, Sept 19: Opposition Congress legislator from Umsning Celestine Lyngdoh today expressed concern over the delay in the fencing and construction of the building for the Patharkhmah civil subdivision.

Taking up the issue during the question hour in the Assembly, Lyngdoh said the land has been donated to the government when Patharkhmah was just an administrative unit.

However even after 15 years have passed, not a single pillar has been erected by the government.

"Due to this, there is encroachment and the land donated to the government (for the purpose) is reducing on a day-to-day basis," he said while urging the government to erect pillars if not fencing at the earliest.

He said that the officers are attending office only twice a week.

"Therefore, we request the government to ensure proper fencing and proper building for the civil subdivision is constructed at the earliest," he said.

In his reply, Minister in-charge General Administration Rakkam A Sangma said 11.864 acres of land was donated to the government for construction of the building of the civil subdivision.

He however said the Patharkhmah civil subdivision is temporarily functioning from the office of the SDO, PHE.

The proposal for permanent building and fencing has been initiated by the department," he added.

Health Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh has sought a report on non-functional health care centres across the state.

This was after a delegation of the Hynniewtrep Integrated Territorial Organization (HITO) Ri Bhoi District and Dorbar Shnong of Parila village has sought her intervention to make functional the MCH hospital at the village by appointing manpower for the interest of the people of the area.

After the meeting, Lyngdoh told reporters that she will be conducting an inspection to this important health facility at Parila on May 8.

Congress MLA Celestine Lyngdoh and Nongpoh MLA Mayralborn Syiem, who is the adviser in the health department, will also be present during the inspection.

“I hope I will be able to attend to the important facility that has been used as a Covid centre and used as a quarantine centre. So we will go and we will see and until that time I hope I will do all my homework before May 8,” she said.

The minister informed that there was some issue related to staff and said, “I don’t know whether posts have been created and sanctioned or interviews have been conducted. We will have to look at the HR allocation but with the NHM in place, I am sure we will be able to run it adequately so let us wait and see what information I gather before the actual inspection.”

When asked, Lyngdoh said she will send a team of officials to inspect across the state and submit a report on non-functional health centres.

“I will take that report sometime in the first week of May and accordingly we will try to address the shortfalls and accordingly we will try to ensure that we upgrade or make all such facilities operational and it is a humongous task as I have to go across the state to check these centres,” she said while adding that “So we will begin with Parila and we will see where we go next and I am determined to make difference and I will try my best. We must make sure that if facilities have been raised they should be operational.”

On the other hand, the minister maintained that she will ensure there is no politics in this sector and said, “…at the end of the day the health facilities of the state must conform to certain standards and I am a very willing minister to ensure there is no politics in this sector at least.”
