Deputy Chief Minister in charge of Home (Police) Prestone Tynsong today said the government will decide on the action after going through the explanation submitted by the Tactical Team-I, which had conducted the operation at the residence of former HNLC leader (L) Cheristerfield Thangkhiew which led to his death on August 13, 2021.

“Let the process start. Right now the department has just received the explanation (submitted by Tactical Team-I). We will go through all of it. Once that is done we will see what action will be taken,” Tynsong told reporters.

The explanation was sought by the state government after the report of the One Man Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice T Vaiphei was tabled in the Assembly’s autumn session held last year.

The report stated that the operation was well planned but poorly executed since the team was supposed to capture (L) Thangkhiew alive.

Justice T Vaiphei in his report had stated: "Therefore, my finding is that the Tactical Team-I in carrying out the operation to arrest the deceased at his residence on August 13, 2021 at about 3 AM was culpable of thoughtless and excessive use of force, which resulted in the death of the deceased, late Cheristerfield Thangkhiew, which turned out to be avoidable," Justice Vaiphei said in his report.

"In my considered view, the post facto excuse that none but the deceased was hurt cannot be a valid justification for carrying out the operation hastily and in a reckless manner by the Tactical Team-I," he added.

The report had said the common thread of evidence running through the statements of these state witnesses is that the objective of the operation was professed to be simply to capture the deceased alive and not to shoot at him.

That was the decision taken in the tactical meeting held prior to the operation.

"In my considered view, the operation was a well-plan, but executed poorly, recklessly, hastily and without proper application of mind," Justice Vaiphei had said adding "In order words, it was a botched-up operation and failing in its objective of apprehending the deceased alive, who would have given valuable information to the police about the subversive activities of the proscribed HNLC outfit."
